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Planets Are Smarter Than Astronomers Because Planets Can Solve The Three-body Problem.
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Planets are smarter than astronomers because planets
can solve the three-body problem.
Life on other planets is extinct because their scientists are more advanced than ours.
The other planets are laughing at us.
To rebel against a powerful political, economic, religious, or social estab- lishment is very dangerous and very few people do it, except, perhaps, as part of a mob.
To rebel against the scientific establishment, however, is the easiest thing in the world, and anyone can do it and feel enormously brave, without risking as much as a hangnail....
Life On Other Planets" by Edie Foanhoam -- Booktip of the month
We're all aliens, but from different plane
In this galaxy, there's a mathematical probability of three million Earth-type planets.
And in all of the universe, three million, million galaxies like this....
I myself have dreamed up a structure intermediate between Dyson spheres and planets.
Build a ring 93 million miles in radius -- one Earth orbit -- around the sun....
Quote #459 _I_ think we have not had visitors from other planets because they have tried to decode our character encoding, and concluded that it wouldn't be worth it.
-- Erik Naggum...
Attention all planets of the Solar Federation: We have assumed control.