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Playing Scrabble, But We Can't Figure Out What Words He's Building.
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Playing Scrabble, but we can't figure out what words he's building.
You know you've been hacking too long when... regularly sit up and stare at your (ringing (loudly!
)) alarm clock thinking, "I can't shut it off because if I do the error message will scroll off the screen and then I won't be able to figure out what went wrong....
The trouble with playing a trick on a highly intelligent man like Mr.
Teller is that the *time* it takes him to figure out from the moment that he sees there is something wrong until he understands exactly what happened is too damn small to give you any pleasure!...
If the cats could figure out how to work the can opener, they would have the locks changed while we were out.
I figure that the best way to figure what the IRS will figure is to get them to figure what you are figuring that they will figure that you are not really figuring what you want them to figure that you figure.
If you figure all of this out sufficiently, you have got to figure that they can't figure you out in the first place....
I guess I've been so wrapped up in playing the game that I never took time enough to figure out where the goal line was -- what it meant to win -- or even how you won.
-- Cash McCall...
Riker: "They're worried. They're worried because we have access to Picard.
Mister Data, we have two minutes to figure out what we can do with it....
MAN: The only animal who can play scrabble!!
A lifetime isn't nearly long enough to figure out what it's all about.