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A Betazoid Woman, When She Goes Through This Phase, Quadruples Her Sex Drive.
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A Betazoid woman, when she goes through this phase, quadruples her
sex drive.
"Or more."
Or more? You never told me that.
"I didn't want to frighten you."
-- Riker and Troi, "Man Hunt", stardate 42859.2
You never assume anything where Lwaxana Troi is concerned.
Betazoid women are full of surprises. -- Lwaxana Troi, "Man Hunt", stardate 42859.2...
It's only at mid-life that a Betazoid female becomes.
..well...fully sexual if you know what I mean. -- Troi, "Man Hunt", stardate 42859.2...
Beverly: "Worf, the big guy who never smiles. The *Klingon*!
Will Riker, your first officer! He's...he's very good at poker!...
Riker: "I've been doing a little research. Trying to find out more about William T.
Riker." Troi: "What have you discovered?" Riker: "He's a musician, for one thing....
Ro: [To Riker] "I was hoping to run into you." Troi
[To Riker] "Please, sit down." Riker: "Well, I'm glad that I ran into the, the two of you....
The woman hurried home from her doctor's appointment, devastated by the medical report she had just received.
When her husband came in from work, she told him, "Darling, the doctor said I have only twelve more hours to live....
I wasn't aware you had such handsome legs. -- Lwaxana Troi to Picard, "Man Hunt", stardate 42859.2
Jean-Luc, what naughty thoughts, but how wonderful you still think of me like that.
-- Lwaxana Troi, "Man Hunt", stardate 42859.2...
Well troubles. We've got some Captain, it seems that a certain woman both wealthy and beautiful now thinks that she's going to marry me.
-- Riker, "Man Hunt", stardate 42859.2...