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Q: What Did The Instructor At The School For Kamikazi Pilots Say To His Students?
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Q: What did the instructor at the school for Kamikazi pilots
say to his students?
A: Watch closely. I'm only going to do this once.
Now, watch closely. I'm only doing this once.
An A is easily obtained if a student calls his instructor "Professor." -- M. M. Johnsto
Students who obtain an A for a course will claim that the instructor is a great teacher.
-- M. M. Johnsto...
When slides are shown in a darkened room, the instructor will require the students to take notes.
-- M. M. Johnsto...
I'll be frank with you Lisa, and when I say frank, I mean, you know, devastating.
-- Instructor at music school, "Separate Vocatio...
I once heard Bill Gates say, "WHAT?!?! Netscape caused an invalid page fault!
?! Only Microsoft programs have the code to do that!...
Skinner walks in, sees Homer] Skinner: What's _he_ doing here?
Bart: Well once he found out we were going to get Ned Flanders fired, he _insisted_ on helping....
It doesn't matter what you do, it only matters what you say you've done and what you're going to do.
Martin: [takes a seat at the front of the bus] Ba
No! Martin: No? Bart: Only geeks sit in the front seat....