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Real Computer Scientists Like Having A Computer On Their Desk, Otherwise How Would They Read Their Mail.
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Real computer scientists like having a computer on their desk,
otherwise how would they read their mail.
Real computer scientists like having a computer on their desk, else how could they read their mail?
Real computer scientists don't write the user interface, they merely argue over what it should look like.
Computer scientists do it on command.
Computer scientists simulate doing it.
Usenet is like Tetris for people who still remember how to read.
-- Anonymous -- Button from the Computer Museum, Boston, MA...
Real computer scientists love the concept of users.
Users are always real impressed by the stuff computer scientists are talking abou...
Real computer scientists love conventions. No one is expected to lug a 3081 attached to a bit map screen to a convention, so no one will ever know how slow their systems run.
Real computer scientists like C's structured constructs, but they are suspicious of it because its compiled.
(Only Batch freaks and efficiency weirdos bother with compilers, they're soooo un-dynamic.)...
Real computer scientists like planning their own environments to use bit mapped graphics.
Bit mapped graphics is great because no one can afford it. So their systems can be experimental....