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Reunions Can Be A Wonderful Thing, Especially When Neither Of The Reunited Parties Manage To Recall What Separated Them In The First Place.
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Reunions can be a wonderful thing, especially when neither of the
reunited parties manage to recall what separated them in the first place.
-- The Teachings of Ebenezum, Wizard's Digest Condensed edition
A wizard must do his best not to judge any person or thing on their first appearance.
Many a human or other intelligent creature will have hidden depths to their personalities which you will only discover as you get to know them and work with them...
Magic weapons can, on occasion, be of great use, yet one more part of the truly rounded wizard's arsenal of tricks, spells, and remarks for all occasions.
However, the thoroughly prepared mage will find certain spells of even more importance than these, especially those enchantments which produce magic wings, magic carpets, and magic running boots, for those times when the rest of you arsenal fails you completely....
When one first arrives in Vushta, one should beware of street sellers offering forbidden delights near the outskirts of town.
These first delights are far more shoddy in nature than those to be had in the inner City, and can be actively unpleasant if you do not have an affinity for goats....
It is of tremendous importance, when a wizard enters a battle, that he should have prepared sufficient spells beforehand to meet anything that he might face during the coming fight.
It is even more important that the wizard act bravely during the course of the fight, so that he might do credit to the names of wizards everywhere....
There is talk in some learned circles in our major cities about whether or not saty
centaurs, griffins and certain other fantastic beasts really exist, or are only the product of the popular imagination....
Casual amusement can be one of a wizard's greatest problems.
After all, when one can conjure virtually anything, what can one do to 'get away from it all?...
What?" you cry. "Wizards sometimes must endure torture?
And it is true, for being a wizard does not exempt you from any of the trials and tribulations experienced by other humans....
Perhaps I have given you the wrong impression. A wizard's life is not all fame, fortune and frivolity.
There must be periods of rest as well, when a wizard should find a safe retreat where he can seclude himself from sorcery and restore his health and vitality in the proper ascetic atmosphere....
Reasoned decision is important, and there comes a time in every wizard's life when he must decide what goal he should pursue to give true meaning to his life.
Should it be money, or travel, or fame? And what of leisure and the love of women?...