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Some Errors Will Always Go Unnoticed Until The Book Is In Print.
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Some errors will always go unnoticed until the book is in
Block's Corollary:
The first page the author turns to upon receiving an advance
copy will be the page containing the worst erorr.
-- Jones' Law of Publishing
The worst errors are those that remain unnoticed.
banner n. 1. The title page added to printouts by most print spoolers (see spool).
Typically includes user or account ID information in very large character-graphics capitals....
banner: n. 1. The title page added to printouts by most print spoolers (see {spool}).
Typically includes user or account ID information in very large character-graphics capitals....
Why is there always a coffee stain on page 63 of your library book?
First Law of Office Murphology: Important letters that contain no errors will develop errors in the mail.
Corollary: Corresponding errors will show up in the duplicate while the Boss is reading it....
I always turn to the sports page first, which record people's accomplishments.
The front page has nothing but man's failures. -- Chief Justice Earl Warre...
Printers always die on page 999 of a 1000 page report!!!
Murphy's Rule of the Term Paper: The book or periodical most vital to the completion of your term paper will be missing from the library.
Corollary: If it is available, the most important page will be torn out....
The hater of property and of government takes care to have his warranty deed recorded, and the book written against fame and learning has the author's name on the title page.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journals, 1831...