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APL -- A Double-decker Bus. Its Takes Rows And Columns Of Passengers To The Same Place All At The Same Time.
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APL --
A double-decker bus. Its takes rows and columns of passengers to
the same place all at the same time. But, it drives only in reverse
gear, and is instrumented in Greek.
Troi Burger: Double decker!
I tried APL, but it was all Greek to me!
We're all Bozos on this bus." -- The Firesign Theatre, from the alblum of the same name
MVS AIRLINES The passengers all gather in the hanger, watching hundreds of technicians check the flight systems on this immense, luxury aircraft.
This plane has at least 10 engines and seats over 1,000 passengers....
The reason that lightening doesn't strike twice in the same place is that the same place isn't there the second time.
APL - A fancy caterer specializing in Greek food. She can cook delicious meals for rows and rows of tables with dozens of people at each table.
She doesn't talk much, as that would just slow her work down....
Flying saucers, time machines, they're all the same.
Johnson's Second Law: If, in the course of several months, only three worthwhile social events take place, they will all fall on the same evening.
If, in the course of several months, only three worthwhile social events take place, they will all fall on the same evening.
-- Law of Social Dynamics (Johnson Second Law)...