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The Best Time To Look For Work Is After You Get The Job.
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The best time to look for work is after you get the job.
A successful man continues to look for work after he has found a job. -- Anon.
You are not a hard driving person if you suddenly stop looking for work after you have found a job.
It may soon be time for you to look for a new line of work.
Joey: If you ask me, as long as you got this job, you've got nothing pushing you to get another one.
You need the fear. Rachel: The fear? Chandler: He's right, if you quit this job, you then have motivation to go after a job you really want....
If you can't get a job, get a senate appointment!!!
New Linux Companies Hope To Get Rich Quick (#3) In the "Cathedral and the Bazaar", ESR mentions that one motivation behind Open Source software is ego-gratification.
That's where OpenEgo, Inc. comes in. For a fee, the hackers at OpenEgo will produce a piece of Open Source software and distribute it in your name, thus building up your reputation and ego....
Every time I look at you I get a fierce desire to be lonesome. -- Oscar Leva
Surprise your boss. Get to work on time.