To Prevent Baldness, Follow The Few Simple Rules Which Are Listed Here

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To prevent baldness, follow the few simple rules which are listed here:

1. Eat at least five ounces of parsnips each day, while standing on your
2. Cut your hair only on the first Friday after a full moon, if it is on an
even numbered day.
3. Rinse your hair in salt water no less than three times per day for no
less than a minute each time.
4. A vigorous rum rinse with slightly warmed rum should follow each salt
water wash.
5. On the even numbered Saturdays, use fresh eggs as a shampoo for your

By following these simple rules you will die of exhaustion long before your
hair starts to fall out and you will avoid all those pesky Herbalife
Salespersons trying to get you to use their shampoo.
