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To Whom Should I Go To For Some Self-help?
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To whom should I go to for some self-help?
If you chance to think of yourself as some sort of expert on the subject of women, than perhaps you are the one to whom I should come with this questio
How come women will wear a wig over a full head of hair?...
When Vice President Quayle was asked about his opinion on ethics, he said that every community should have some.
If it would help the economy, he is willing to help some facility of this nature relocate....
Buy a self-help guide for recovering worshipers.
Homer: Marge, I want you to admit you have a gambling problem.
Marge: You know, you're right, Homer. Maybe I should get some professional help....
Coward: A man in whom the instinct of self-preservation acts normally. -- Sultana Zoraya
MEMORIES OF MY FAMILY MEETINGS still are a source of strength to me.
I remember we'd all get into the car -- I forget what kind it was -- and drive and drive....
Marge: Mmm, I hope you kept the Homey-fires burning.
[Homer snores] Homer... Homer: Huh?...
Ralph: Hey, Mister, do you need some help? Otto: Let him go, Ralph.
He knows what he's doing....
If some books are deemed most baneful and their sale forbid, how then with deadlier facts, not dreams of doting men?
Those whom books will hurt will not be proof against events....