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When Men Were Men ... And They Used To Write Their Own Device Drivers.
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When men were men ... and they used to write their own device drivers.
Brief History Of Linux (#20) Linux is born Linus' superhuman programming talent produced, within a year, a full operating system that rivaled Minix.
The first official announcement on comp.os.minix came October 5th, in which Linus wrote these famous word...
You know you've been hacking too long when... dream you have to write device drivers for your refrigerator, washing machine, and other major household appliances before you can use them.
I recently came across an interesting statistic: Men who were successful when they used the pickup line "Hi
71 percent Women who were successful when they used the pickup line "Hi": 100%...
Apple - Typically a device used to seduce men. Usually equipped with display screens and/or worms.
If all the seas were ink, And all the reeds were pens, And all the skies were parchment, And all the men could write, These would not suffice To write down all the red tape Of this Government.
Laws were almost always made *by* men, but not *for* men.
Robot Nite - Designated device drivers drink free
Men create the gods in their own image. -- Xenophane
In the days of old, When Knights were bold, And women were too cautiou
Oh, those gallant days, When women were women, And men were really obnoxious......