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When You Love Someone All Your Saved Wishes Start Coming Out. -- Elizabeth Bowe
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When you love someone all your saved wishes start coming out.
-- Elizabeth Bowen
No object is mysterious. The mystery is in your eye. -- Elizabeth Bowe
You know that the day is not off to a good start when someone tells you that your unimportance is only matched by your truly great insignificance.
Ezekiel and Ishmael, in accordance with your parents' wishes, you may step out into the hall and pray for our souls.
-- Ms. Krabappel shows a sex education film, "Bart's Friend Falls in Love...
Love is missing someone even when they're with you.
If you think you have someone eating out of your hand, it is not at all a bad idea to count your fingers.
You will diiiiieeeee. You will die slowwwwwwwly. Your stomach will swelllllllll, your intestines will wriiiithe and booooil.
Your eeeeeyes will buuuuurn....
How can you tell if your car is a lemon? Your car might be a lemon if
1) You can't get your glove compartment closed because of all the repair receipts....
ODD Odd things that you don't want people find in your house include
Life consists in this. You no sooner get your head above water when someone flushes and it all starts over again.