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Avoid All Overcokked Sushi, Because It Is Bad For You, And Not Too Good For The Fish, Either.
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Avoid all overcokked sushi, because it is bad for you, and not too good for
the fish, either.
It may be bad manners to talk with your mouth full, but it isn't too good either if you speak when your head is empty.
A short speech is often a good speech and certainly has the advantage of being much less able to be a bad speech than a long speech.
A long speech is often a bad speech precisely because it was not a short speech....
Marge: Mm, there's that new sushi restaurant on Elm Street.
.. Bart: Sushi? Hey, maybe this is just one of those things you hear on the playground, but isn't that raw fish?...
It's not nice to fool Mother Nature, and it doesn't look too good, either.
Have you seen Tammy Faye Bakker recently?...
Life is not so bad if you have plenty of luck, a good physique, and not too much imagination.
-- Christopher Isherwood...
Too bad, Bob , but you know too much.
You think it is a want of judgment that he changes his opinion.
Do you think it a proof that your scales are bad because they vibrate with every additional weight that is added to either side?...