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You Can Have A Dog As A Friend. You Can Have Whiskey As A Friend.
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You can have a dog as a friend. You can have whiskey as a friend. But if
you have a woman as a friend, you're going to wind up drunk and kissing
your dog."
-- foolin' around
You can have a dog as a friend. You can have whiskey as a friend.
But if you have a woman as a friend, you're going to wind up drunk and kissing your dog....
They say the dog is man's best friend. I don't believe that.
How many of your friends have you neutered? -- Larry Reeb...
Any woman that you become extremely attracted to will tell you that you are the best friend that a woman could ever have.
Be a friend to the earth and it will be a friend to you.
If you want a friend, then be a friend.
You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose unless you have really *chunky* friends.
Homer: How can you do this, Marge? How can you desert your children?
Lisa: Have a blast, Mom. Bart: Rock the Casbah! Home...
When you lend something to a friend, you do not necessarily do that friend a favor for the friend has a damaged memormy and experiences some difficulty remembering the terms of the contract.
Ultimately, you have harmed the memory of the friend....
Have you @#%!ed your dog today?