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You Don't Need Much [to Practice Law] Except Common Sense And Relatively Clean Fingernails.
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You don't need much [to practice law] except common sense and relatively
clean fingernails.
-- John Mortimer's father
Witten's Law: Whenever you cut your fingernails you will find a need for them an hour later.
Whenever you cut your fingernails, you will find a need for them an hour later. -- Witten's Law
SON: Have you ever smoked opium? FATHER: Certainly not!
Gives you constipation. Dreadful binding effect. Ever see those pictures of the wretched poet Samuel T....
Never ask the customer if they did it--in case they tell you.
-- First rule of murder -- Horace Rumpole (John Mortimer)...
Oliver North is proof that if you wrap stupidity in the flag, you can overcome common sense which conforms to the law.
In a decision sure to cause major controversy for several minutes, the US Supreme Court struck down the First Law of Nature, judging it to be unlawfully discriminatory.
Though never actually written down, the First Law of Nature is generally accepted by the American Bar Association to be, "If an individual or collection of individuals puts into practice or causes to be put into practice an action which, measured against the judgement of a reasonable person, is unwise or lacking in basic common sense, then the aforementioned individual or collection of individuals shall suffer all consequences resulting from that action, up to and including loss of life....
Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.