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You'll Have To Be Nice To Me--I Throw Up Easily.
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You'll have to be nice to me--I throw up easily.
When I went in to buy the fur coat, the salesman told me, "You never in your life saw a coat this luxurious, this fine.
And he takes the coat and throws it on the floor ....
I want you take me, I want you to break me, I want you to throw me away!
I 'll give you leave to call me anything, if you don't call me "spade.
-- Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) -- Polite Conversation, Dialogue ii...
Everyone's so nice to me. What have I done to deserve it?
We 'll have a swashing and a martial outside, As many other mannish cowards have.
-- William Shakespeare (1564-1616), As You Like It -- Act i, Sc. 3...
Throw yourself on the floor, so I don't have to beat you down!
That's a nice dress - could I talk you out of it? -- Pick up line
If the rascal have not given me medicines to make me love him, I 'll be hanged.
-- William Shakespeare (1564-1616), King Henry IV -- Act ii, Sc. 2...
Check me if I'm wrong, Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers.
.. they're gonna lock me up and throw away the key!...