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The Streets Are Safe In Philadelphia, It's Only The People Who Make Them Unsafe.
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The streets are safe in Philadelphia, it's only the people who make
them unsafe.
-- Mayor Frank Rizzo
The streets are safe in Philadelphia, it's only the people who make them unsafe.
-- Mayor Frank Rizzo...
We need excellence in public education and if the teachers can't do it, we'll send in a couple of policemen.
-- Frank Rizzo, Philadelphia Bulletin, Oct 19, 1973...
VAGRANT One of those people who make you feel guilty (for not giving them money) and angry (for them bothering you in the first place) at the same time.
Actually most vagrants in this city either keep themselves to themselves by being sleepy and smelly on street benches, or by cheerfully walking their way through inner-city streets with no shoes on, mumbling theories on modern civilisation....
The only people who make love all the time are liars. -- Louis Jorda
The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action.
-- Frank Herbe...
Moe: Freddy Quimby was with me the entire...night in question.
We were collecting canned goods for the starving people in....
Wise people learn to tolerate only productive anxiety in themselves.
They make tension work for them instead of against them....
Big people are those who make us feel bigger when we are with them.
Most rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read.
-- Frank Zappa...