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First, I'm Going To Give You All The ANSWERS To Today's Test.
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First, I'm going to give you all the ANSWERS to today's test..
So just plug in your SONY WALKMANS and relax!!
-- Zippy the Pinhead
YOW!! The land of the rising SONY!! -- Zippy the Pinhead
I hope you millionaires are having fun! I just invested half your life savings in yeast!
! -- Zippy the Pinhead...
I hope something GOOD came in the mail today so I have a REASON to live!! -- Zippy the Pinhead
I've got an IDEA!! Why don't I STARE at you so HARD, you forget your SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER!
! -- Zippy the Pinhead...
I just had a NOSE JOB!! -- Zippy the Pinhead
Instead of having "answers" on a math test, they should just call them "impressions," and if you got a different "impression," so what, can't we all be brothers?
-- Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey...
Lisa: So Mom, what are you going to do with your day off?
Marge: I just want to relax and forget that I'm part of that thin blue line which stands between civilization and chaos....
Hello, hello, hello ... is there anybody IN there? Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone at home? Come on, come on, now, I hear you're feeling down....
I like your SNOOPY POSTER!! -- Zippy the Pinhead