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The Logs Of Wood Which Move Down The River Together Are Driven Apart By Every Wave.
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Quotations By Famous People
The logs of wood which move
down the river together
Are driven apart by every wave.
Such inevitable parting
Should not be the cause of misery.
-- Nagarjuna (c. 100-200 A.D.)
Pain is inevitable. Misery, however, is an option.
Misery loves company, which is why they so often arrive together.
I've GOT it together. You should have seen it APART!
Every investigation which is guided by principles of Nature fixes its ultimate aim entirely on gratifying the stomach.
-- Athenaeus (c. 200 AD) -- The Deipnosophists, vii, 11...
But Chrysippus, Posidonius, Zeno, and Boethus say, that all things are produced by fate.
And fate is a connected cause of existing things, or the reason according to which the world is regulated....
Anything is easier to take apart than to put together.
-- Washlesky's Law That which cannot be taken apart will fall apart. -- Rucnicki's Rule...
C++" should have been called "D
consult guide about matter transference beams A thoroughly unpleasant means of travelling which involves tearing you apart in once place and slamming you back together in another.
(Of course, it's better than the older method, where disassembled people would be transmitted down phone lines and arrive in a garbled and sometimes completely disconnected state....
We males cannot really know the misery of female birth control, just as we cannot know the pain of childbirth (a fact for which I get down on my knees and give thanks at every opportunity).
-- Dave Barry...