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Did You Hear About The Ultimate In Singles Bars. It's A Place Where Girls Have To Show Their I.
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Did you hear about the ultimate in singles bars. It's a place
where girls have to show their I.U.D.'s to be admitted.
Did you hear about an entrepreneur whose idea is to set up weight-guessing stands in singles bars.
It could be referred to as a weigh-a-lay plan....
Did you hear about the new instrument of credit especially designed for use in single bars.
It's called BANG AMERICARD....
Did you hear about the Newfie that Thought that a mushroom was a place to neck.
Did you hear about the drunken midget who walked into a home for girls and kissed everybody in the joint.
Did you hear about the new rule at the girls' school. Lights out by ten, candles by eleven.
Did you hear about the Newfie girls that are using hockey pucks instead of tampons because they generally last for three periods.
Did you hear about the aging ingenue who thinks the best way to keep her youth is never to introduce him to other girls.
Did you hear about the fellow who maintains a special register of particularly accommodating girls.
He refers to it as his blew book....
I hate singles bars. Guys come up to me and say, "Hey, cupcake, can I buy you a drink?
I say, "No, but I'll take the three bucks." -- Margaret Smith...