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EFFICIENCY EXPERT -- A Smart Ass Who Knows A Million Ways To Make Love, But Doesn't Know Anybody Who'll Let Him Have Any.
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EFFICIENCY EXPERT -- a smart ass who knows a million ways to
make love, but doesn't know anybody who'll let him have any.
A consultant is a man who knows fifty marvelous ways to make love, but does not know a women to whom these charms may be applied.
We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world
and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men every day who don't know anything and can't read....
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less. BUTLER
An expert is a person who can take something you already know and make it sound confusing.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is ignorant.
Teach him. He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool....
We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world
and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men every day who don't know anything and can't read....
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely nothing about everything.
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.
Consultant: Someone who knowns 101 ways to make love, but can't get a date.