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He Loves Nature In Spite Of What It Did To Him." Forrest Tucke
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"He loves nature in spite of what it did to him."
Forrest Tucker
He loves nature in spite of what it did to him." Forrest Tucke
To a Europe exhausted by nearly two centuries of religious wars, [Isaac] Newton's works were first and foremost a message about God
that He did not behave in a capricious or arbitrary fashion, in response to either His will or human prayer, but in accordance with absolute, unwavering, and humanly discoverable laws of nature which governed him and all his works....
Stop! There was first a game of blindman's buff. Of course there was.
And I no more believe Topper was really blind than I believe he had eyes in his boots....
Prime Minister Joseph] Chamberlain loves the working man -- he loves to see him work.
-- Sir Winston Churchill...
Prime Minister Joseph] Chamberlain loves the working man -- he loves to see him work.
-- Winston Churchill...
Right reason," by which Cicero meant an "immediate and intuitive apprehension of moral and spiritual value
of what is right and just and what is wrong and unjust, was in the nature of things placed by God in all me...
A man is only as good as what he loves. -- Saul Bellow