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Lisa: Wait! Doesn't My Father Have The Right To A Fair Trial?
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Lisa: Wait! Doesn't my father have the right to a fair trial?
Flanders: Oh, you Americans with your due process and fair trials. This
is always so much easier in Mexico.
-- Only until NAFTA comes in, "Treehouse of Horror IV"
Homer: What?! Flanders! You're the Devil? Devil Flande
Ho-oh, it's always the one you least suspect. Treehouse of Horror IV...
Lisa: [breathlessly] Mom, Dad: Mr. Burns is a vampire, and he has Bart!
Burns: Why, Bart is right here. Bart: [droning] Hello, Mother....
Oh boy, mold! That's science fair pay dirt.
-- I can't hold my excitement, "Treehouse of Horror VII...
Lisa: Remember, Bart -- I mean, Dances In Underwear -- we take the White Man alive.
Bart: All right, Thinks Too Much: it shall be so....
Homer: [ruefully] I'd sell my soul for a donut. [The devil appears, looking like Flanders] Flande
Heh heh, that can be arranged. Homer: What -- Flanders!...
Flanders: All right, Simpson. You get your soul back.
[threateningly] But let that ill-gotten donut be forever on your head!...
Flanders: Now remember, the instant you finish it, I own your soul for -- Home
[through a full mouth] Hey, wait: if I don't finish this last bite, you don't get my soul, do you?...
Marge: The national grammar rodeo? I wish I were going.
Oh, wait, wait; I wish I _was_ going. Is that right, Bart?...
Oh, Lisa, you and your stories. `Bart is a vampire.
' `Beer kills brain cells.' Now, let's go back to that ....