Skinner: [to Lisa] The Grand Exulted Leader Requests A Moment Of Your Time.

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Skinner: [to Lisa] The Grand Exulted Leader requests a moment of your
time. [claps hands] Class dismissed!
Children: Yay!
Hoover: Yay.
Homer: [walks in] Lisa, you were right. My happiness _is_ fading.
Lisa: You're experiencing spiritual emptiness because your power has
isolated you from other human beings.
Homer: What do you mean, isolated?
[echo in the class: "ated...ated...ated...ated"]
Lisa: Well, maybe you could reach out to the community and help
other people.
Homer: Hmm...I _could_ help others. [slowly] I'll get a bunch of
monkeys, dress them up, and make them reenact the civil war.
Lisa: Dad, that doesn't help people!
Homer: Couldn't hurt...unless the monkeys start hurting people.
Which they almost certainly would.
-- It was the best of times..., "Homer the Great"
