Bart: Milhouse has Bonestorm!
[inside, Milhouse's hair is being blown back from the TV]
Milhouse: This is great...and all I've done is enter my name!
[screen shows "WELCOME THRILLHO"]
Bart: [walking in] Say, cool dude, can I play too?
Milhouse: [scrambling] Uh, uh, it's only a one player game.
Bart: Then how come it says "Second player score"?
Milhouse: [pause] Mom! Bart's swearing!
-- Sure-fire ejection techniques, "Marge Be Not Proud"
Bart: you ever worry that your mom might stop loving
Milhouse: What? I'm more worried about pirhanas. Did you see that
movie where they send a nuclear submarine to fight the
pirhanas, and one of them swims right down the periscope and
bites the guy in the eye, and he goes, "Aah!...