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Sherri+Terri: Nice Glasses, Four-eyes! Tee Hee Hee.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Sherri+Terri: Nice glasses, four-eyes! Tee hee hee.
Nelson: Yeah, nice shoes, uh...two-feet. Yeah.
Martin: Your appearance is comical to me.
-- Bart walks into class with new glasses and shoes,
"The Last Temptation of Homer"
Marge: Good news, honey: two weeks are up. You don't have to wear your glasses any more!
And your scalp and posture seem fine. Bart: [triumphant] Yes!...
Mindy: [sighs] What a perfect evening. It sure was nice of them to make us cheeseburgers.
Homer: Uh, yeah. -- At a Chinese restaurant, "The Last Temptation of Home...
Homer: _That's_ what ballet is? [whining] Oh -- Marge
You promised! You can't back out like when you volunteered for that Army experiment to avoid dinner at my sisters'....
Ahem. This is a videotape for my daughter Maggie. Hi, Maggie!
I'm speaking to you from beyond the grave. Woooooooo!...
Homer: [unhappy] Well, I guess you'll want to come in.
Mindy: [bright] OK. Homer: [mocking] "OK!" [They sit on the bed] Mindy...
Skinner: Mrs. Krabappel, Bart has something he wants to say to you.
Bart: I won't say it! Skinner: Bart! Bart: Oh ....
Bart: Hey, Lis. A moment of your time. Lisa: [stops playing her sax] Yeah?
Bart: Suppose I was writing my <second> letter to a girl, and I already used up my A-material....
Bart: Looks like I've got me a genuine glow-in-the-dark police badge!
[hunts through the box of cereal] Hey, it's not in here....
Jacques: First, you must get to know your lane. Feel the slickness, feel the slippery finish.
Caresses it, experience it. Quite smooth, isn't it?...