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Lisa: I Can't Do This, Bart. I'm Not Strong Enough.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Lisa: I can't do this, Bart. I'm not strong enough.
Bart: I thought you came here looking for a challenge.
Lisa: Duh! A challenge I could do!
-- Getting more than she bargained for,
"The Secret War of Lisa Simpson"
Bart: What is it? Lisa: Bart, I got a cassette from Mom and Dad.
I thought we could listen to it together....
Commandant: Next up ... Simp-son, Lis-a. [the crowd falls silent.
The cadet leader plays, "Taps." Lisa climbs the ladder to the first platform, as the crowd begins jeering] Lisa...
Bart: Sorry I froze you out Lis, I, I just didn't want the guys to think I'd gone soft on the girl issue.
Lisa: [sighs] I'm tired of being an issue, Bart....
Lisa: It's not my nature to complain, but so far today we've had three movies, two filmstrips, and an hour and a half of magazine time.
I just don't feel challenged. Skinner: Of course we could make things more challenging, Lisa, but then the stupider students would be in here complaining, furrowing their brows in a vain attempt to understand the situation....
Marge: Lisa, if you ever want to quit and come home, I'll be here in half a jiff.
Bart: [poking his head into frame] I want to quit and come home....
Bart: Please don't make me stay, dad. I'll do anything you say.
I'll find religion! I'll be good sometimes!...
Good job, Simpson, although that's more cursing than I like to hear from a cadet in peacetime.
-- Military school Commandant, "The Secret War of Lisa Simpso...
Lisa: [tired] Here you go, Bart. It's a longshot, but that's all I can do without learning ancient Hebrew.
Bart: [stares at her] Lisa: Bart! I am <not> going to learn ancient Hebrew!...
Bart: Military school?! You lied to me! Home
[chuckles] Well, I'm sorry if you heard, "Disneyland," but I distinctly said, "military school....