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I'll Get My Brother Sanjay To Cover For Me. He Deplores Violence Of All Kinds.
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The Simpsons
I'll get my brother Sanjay to cover for me. He deplores violence of all
-- Apu excited about watching the upcoming fight,
"Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment"
I just want to call attention to the fact that I'm not watching this fight as my form of nonviolent protest.
-- Lisa refuses to watch stolen cable, "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandme...
Apu: Oh, hello, Mrs. Homer. I brought an assortment of jerkys.
Homer: Oh, did you swipe those from work? Apu: Certainly not....
Apu: What a donnybrook, eh, Mr. Burns? Burns: Oh, hogwash!
Why, I once watched Gentleman Jim Corbett fight an Eskimo fellow bare-knuckled for a hundred and thirteen rounds!...
Cop: Word on the street is that you have an illegal cable hookup.
Homer: No! No, I... It wasn't me. It was my wife....
Announcer: The challenger learned how to fight in the notorious province[?
] of Capital City, and honed his skills while serving time for aggravated assault and manslaughter in Springfield Prison....
TV: You're watching `Top Hat Entertainment'. Adult programming all day, every day.
(Except in Florida and Utah.) Coming up next, `Stardust Mammaries'....
I hate to interrupt your judging me, but I wanted you to know that I've made a couple of really important decisions.
Number 1: I'm cutting the cable as soon as the fight's over, and Number 2...
Man, I wish I was an adult so I could break the rules.
-- Bart is caught watching a cable porn channel, [Burger King alert!...
Cable. It's more wonderful than I dared hope. -- Homer Simpson Homer vs.
Lisa and the 8th Commandme...