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People Of Earth! We Come To You In The Spirit Of Hostility And Menace!
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
People of earth! We come to you in the spirit of hostility and menace!
-- The green aliens,
`The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II"
Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!
-- The green aliens, `The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II...
Len: They're conking us with a club! Man: Wish we'd saved an A-bomb or two.
.. -- Green aliens invade, `The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II...
Okily dokily! -- Ned Flanders, `The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II
Lisa: [takes the paw] I wish for world peace. [the second finger on the paw closes] Home
Lisa, that was very selfish of you! -- `The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II...
Vendor: Sir, I must strongly advise you: Do not purchase this.
Behind every wish lurks grave misfortune. I, myself, was once president of Algeria....
Come to think of it, the guy that sold me this thing did say the wishes would bring grave misfortune.
I thought he was just being colorful. -- Homer, `The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II...
British ambassador: Eh, sorry about the Falklands, old boy.
Argentine ambassador: Oh, forget it. We kind of knew they were yours....
Marge: Ew, Homer, where did you get that ugly thing?
Homer: Why, at that little shop right over... there?...
Alien 1: It seems the earthlings won. Alien 2: Did they?
That board with a nail in it may have defeated us....