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Your Superior Intellect Is No Match For Our Puny Weapons!
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The Simpsons
Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!
-- The green aliens,
`The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II"
Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons! -- THE SIMPSONS
People of earth! We come to you in the spirit of hostility and menace!
-- The green aliens, `The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II...
Len: They're conking us with a club! Man: Wish we'd saved an A-bomb or two.
.. -- Green aliens invade, `The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II...
Okily dokily! -- Ned Flanders, `The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II
Lisa: [takes the paw] I wish for world peace. [the second finger on the paw closes] Home
Lisa, that was very selfish of you! -- `The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II...
Vendor: Sir, I must strongly advise you: Do not purchase this.
Behind every wish lurks grave misfortune. I, myself, was once president of Algeria....
Alien 1: It seems the earthlings won. Alien 2: Did they?
That board with a nail in it may have defeated us....
Homer: What a dump! Why would Princess Grace live in a place like this?
Lisa: [annoyed] Dad, that's Monaco....
Come to think of it, the guy that sold me this thing did say the wishes would bring grave misfortune.
I thought he was just being colorful. -- Homer, `The Monkey's Paw' in "Treehouse of Horror II...