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Homer, I've Got To Sneak These Valuable Artworks Out Of The White House, But I Can't Get Out Of The Driveway Because Of These Protesters!
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Homer, I've got to sneak these valuable artworks out of the White House,
but I can't get out of the driveway because of these protesters!
-- President George Bush moves out of the White House,
"Mr. Plow"
I eat junk food to get it out of the house.
The other night I came home late, and tried to unlock my house with my car keys.
I started the house up. So, I drove it around for a while....
GRASSY KNOLL It's so lucky that someone happened to be filming when JFK got shot.
Ever since then, they've made sure that there is a camera trained on the President 24 hours a day....
Bart: [plays with Sergeant Thug's Mountaintop Command Post, making plane and machine gun noises] Abe
Hey, watch it with that thing! [a missile launches out the window] My skull is eggshell-thin....
I dare you to 'Trick or Treat' at the White House.
I've got two words for you: Mellow out, man. -- Homer Simpson, "Mr. Plow
I don't believe The American people want a gelding in the White House.
-- Grover Cleveland, then Presidential candidate when the news came out -- before the election of 1884 -- that he was supporting a 10-year-old illegitimate son....
Keep the war alive.
-- A White House official, -- describing President Bush's 1992 reelection strategy...
Kent: Hardest hit by the blizzard is Springfield's forbidding Widow's Peak.
Our own Arnie Pie is on the scene. Arnie: [live remote, in a helicopter] Everything's snowed in!...