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Quimby: {Would You, Er, Like To Dance?} Marge: {Mayor Quimby!
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Quimby: {Would you, er, like to dance?}
Marge: {Mayor Quimby! What are you doing here!}
Quimby: {I'm, er, here with my nephews.}
-- Remind you of anyone?, "Marge on the Lam"
Quimby: I propose that I use what's left of the town treasury to move to a more prosperous town and run for mayor.
And, er, once elected, I will send for the rest of you....
Quimby: Watch it, you walking tub of donut batter! Wiggum
Hey, I got pictures of you, Quimby. Quimby: You don't scare me....
Homer answers the door] Man: [on pennyfarthing bicycle] So, er, you don't like the old-time bikes, huh?
[kicks Homer in the face, rides off] [doorbell rings agai...
Quimby: {This is incredible. It's God's most wondrous miracle.
} Nurse: {Sir, I think your wife wants to hold the baby....
Lisa: [to cab driver] Hey, I remember you! Mayor Quimby, right?
Quimby: I, uh, er, uh, uh, no. Look at this licence...
Marge: [reading the paper] Mmm. It says Freddy Quimby beat a waiter half to death!
Those Quimby children are so wild and rich, I hope he finally gets what's coming to him....
Assistant: [on phone] Oh, here he comes. What is it now, Quimby?
Quimby: Nothing, nothing. Only the, er, city has just passed another tax on puffy directing pants....
Singers: Without a Mayor Quimby, our town would really sink, [a garbage truck with a "Vote Quimby" ad empties a bin] We wouldn't have a tire yard, or a mid-size roller rink.
[Quimby grins next to burning tires, then roller skates] We wouldn't have our gallows, or our shiny Bigfoot trap, [Quimby grins through noose, then smiles next to trap] It's not the mayor's fault that the stadium collapsed....
Quimby: And now, I'd like to turn things over to our Grand Marshall, Mr.
Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy: I'd say this vessel could do at least Warp Five....