A friend of mine in my unit in Germany used to tell this story on himself
and I thought it was hilarious. Seems he was flying an Army UH-1H, Huey, one
day somewhere up around Chicago. As has happened to all of us, probably, at
one time or another, he just couldn't seem to get his tongue coordinated at
all and was fumble-tonguing everything he said.
Center asked him some simple question and his reply went something like
this. "Uh, this is Army helichop...uh, helicopter 15789...uh 15987. We'd like
to climb to... uh we'd like to descend to 5000 and then practice a shoot
approach....uh shoot a practice ILS blackcourse, uh, backcourse at Grandview
Navy...uh, Glenview Navy..." He said that after finally getting the
transmission completed, and feeling like a dang fool there was a short period
of silence over the radio before someone (who he said you could tell was some
Captain on a commercial airliner in the vicinity) came back with a very short
comment of "Hire the handicapped". He said that he never felt so stupid in
his life as he did about then.
W H Y C O P S H A T E Y O U <<<<&l <
-if you have to ask get out of the way-
Have you ever been stopped by a traffic cop and, while he was
writing a ticket or giving you a warning, you got the feeling that
he would just love to yank you out of the car, right through the
window, and smash your face into the front fender?...