Here's Another One From The Wacky Minds Of Our Military Controllers At Namao.

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Here's another one from the wacky minds of our Military controllers at Namao.
A bit of Background is in order: CFB Edmonton (Namao) is a military field
just outside of Edmonton. All aircraft touching down at Namao require a PPR
(Prior Permission Request) number, and have to recite it to the controller at
first contact. Our flying club is civilian/military, and all our aircraft
have permanent PPR's.

One day, we were sitting around listening to the scanner, when a Tomahawk from
a local flight school announced inbound for circuits. The controllers asked
for the PPR #, and the pilot said they didn't know about one. We expected the
aircraft to turn away, but the controller cleared them right-base for 29. We
now pick up the audio from this momentous day:

Tomahawk: "F-XAA is final 29, touch and go."
Tower: "XAA is cleared touch and go, 29".
<Several more circuits later...>
Tomahawk: "F-XAA is final 29, touch and go"
Tower: "F-XAA is cleared touch and go, 29. How many more circuits were you
planning on making?"
Tomahawk: "We though we'd make one or two more."
Tower: "Roger. I just wondered because we were calculating your landing
fees, and you're up to $13,000 now."
<LONG delay...>
Tomahawk: "THAT WAS OUR LAST ONE!!!!!"
<Another LONG delay>
Tower: "Just kidding. Next time, read your flight supplement."
