This "world-famous Authority On The Paranormal And Supernatural" Gave A Lecture At Texas A&M And Was Impressed By The Fact That The Lecture Hall Was Filled With Aggies Eagerly Listening And Taking Copious Notes.

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This "world-famous authority on the paranormal and supernatural"
gave a lecture at Texas A&M and was impressed by the fact that the
lecture hall was filled with Aggies eagerly listening and taking
copious notes.

At the conclusion of the lecture he announced a question and answer

period. "Gentleman, my question and answer periods are two-way.
I'd like for you to ask me questions but first I'd like to ask the
audience a few things," he mentioned.

"Alright, how many have ya'll have ever SEEN a ghost?"

Well, everyone in the lecture hall raised their hands!

"How many of you have ever conversed with a ghost?"

About 1/2 the group raised their hands.

Very much impressed, he asked, "How many of you have ever touched a

Again, EVERYONE raised their hands.

"How many of you have ever had SEXUAL RELATIONS with a ghost? "

One solitary hand was raised. The professor was ecstatic. "Come
straight down to the podium, young man!" he commanded, "This is a
VERY RARE incident! Please, tell us all about your experience of
having sex with a ghost!"

The Aggie laughs and turns red-in-the-face.

"Ghost? We thought you was saying GOATS!"
