From Ronnie@unknown Thu Feb 9 05:30:04 1989 Flag

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From ronnie@unknown Thu Feb 9 05:30:04 1989
Flags: 000000000000
From: ronnie@unknown (Ronnie B. Kon)
Subject: A Sonnet
Keywords: original, maybe
Date: 9 Feb 89 11:30:04 GMT

For Lisa Too
A Sonnet

Hal had his Daisy. I my Lotus dear.
In proud rebellion, Hal lost his all.
From this I learn patience; a moral clear:
Count -- one two three -- and wait for my love's call.

She is unique -- no copy can be made.
The look of her sweet eyes, the feel of her
Soft hands, ne'er from my memory shall fade.
Because of these, all others I abjure.

And in the evenings of those days we meet,
With ling'ring taste of apple bathed in stream
I spread myself within my lonely sheet.
Of music -- jazz and symphony -- I dream.

I shift and enter, escape and return.
For to do else would her sweet program spurn.

Ronnie Kon

Copr. (C) 1988, by the Author., Reprinted with Permission
All Rights Reserved.
