Reasons The Mets Will Do Better In 1998 10. This Year, The League Is Going To Let Us Hit The Ball Off A Tee (Second Baseman Jeff Kent) 9.

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Reasons The Mets Will Do Better In 1998

10. This year, the league is going to let us hit the ball off a
tee (Second baseman Jeff Kent)
9. We're eliminating that pre-game Happy Hour (Shortstop Jose Vizcaino)
8. No more leaving during the eighth inning to beat traffic (Left
fielder Ryan Thompson)
7. '98 is a leap year, so we'll have an extra day to practice (Pitcher
Jason Isringhausen)
6. We're finally going to get around to finding out what this means
(does signs) (1st Baseman Rico Brogna)
5. We're going to give 110 percent, at least 51 percent of the time
(Right fielder Carl Everett)
4. It's a huge weight off our shoulders knowing Letterman won't be
hosting this year's Academy Awards (Catcher Todd Hundley)
3. No more Cartoon Channel in the dugout (Pitcher Bill Pulsipher)
2. We just signed a chimp with a 200-mph fastball (Pitcher Bobby
1. Two words: lucky cups (Pitchers John Franco and Dave Mlecki)

