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Unknown Golf Is A Lot Of Walking, Broken Up By Disappointment And Bad Arithmetic.
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Golf is a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad
Unknown Golf is a lot like taxes--you drive hard to get to the green and then wind up in the hole.
Unknown "How'd the golf game go today, dear? Did you win?
"No, but I got a lot of practice. I got to hit the ball more than anyone else!...
Unknown An obviously upset golfer drove his cart over to the edge of a small river winding through the course.
He stomped out of the cart, grabbed his entire golf bag, and heaved it into the middle of the river....
What did one arithmetic book say to the other? I've got a lot of problems.
Unknown Doctor to patient, "I've got bad and worse news for you.
<BR> What's the bad news? "Your tests came i...
Interesting Golf Quotes: ** One of the advantages bowling has over golf is that you seldom lose a bowling ball.
- Don Carter, pro bowler ** Golf and sex are the only things you can enjoy without being good at it....
Perhaps I should take up golf instead?
Unknown A man's regular partner at the golf club didn't show, so he was walking around looking for a substitute partner for the day's game.
One of the caddies told him that there was an elderly gentleman who just happened to be in the same situation....
Pilot: "Golf Juliet Whiskey, request instructions for takeoff" Persons unknow
"Open the throttle smoothly, check temperatures and pressures rising, keep the aircraft straight using ....