The Telephone Sales Person A Telephone Sales Person Makes A Call To An Unknown Prospect And A Very Small, Very Soft, Very Quiet, And Obviously Young Person Answers The Phone.

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The Telephone Sales Person

A telephone sales person makes a call to an unknown prospect and a very
small, very soft, very quiet, and obviously young person answers the

*Sales person:* Hello, may I speak to the man of the house please?

*Youngster:* (whispering) No, he's busy.

*Sales person:* Well then, can I please speak to your mother?

*Youngster:* (in a whisper) She's busy too.

*Sales person:* I see, how about your brother? Can I speak to him?

*Youngster:* (whispering) No. He's busy too.

*Sales person:* (losing patience) Is your sister there? Can I talk to

*Youngster:* (in a whisper) She's busy too.

*Sales person:* ( by now quite exasperated) What are all these people
doing that keeps them so busy?!!!

*Youngster:* (still whispering) Looking for me.
