Top Ten Surprises In The New Batman Movie 10. Batman Keeps Calling Robin "One Fruity Lookin' Bast***" 9.

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Top Ten Surprises In The New Batman Movie

10. Batman keeps calling Robin "One fruity lookin' bast***"
9. Terrifying new villain: Rodman *
8. The Batcave is closed due to worries about Radon
7. Film contains a surprising amount of Irish step dancing
6. Halfway through the movie, Michael Keaton and Val Kilmer show
up and beat the crap out of George Clooney
5. Batman almost dies after flying into a bug-zapper
4. Three words: anatomically correct batsuit
3. Batmobile clearly a Geo Metro with cardboard fins
2. Batgirl's torrid love scene with Ellen Degeneres
1. Bat signal replaced by "Hooters" logo

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