10. After Dramatic Entrance At Scene Of Crime, Having To Convince Everyone He's Not A Professional Wrestler.

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10. After dramatic entrance at scene of crime, having to convince
everyone he's not a professional wrestler.
9. When you can see the outline of his underwear through the Bat suit.
8. Punks who gather around and smart off while he's getting gas for
the Batmobile.
7. Nuclear power source for utility belt has rendered him sterile.
6. When really stupid people shout out, "Hey! Where's Tonto!"
5. When dry cleaner accidentally switches Bat suit and San Diego
Chicken costume.
4. When an episode focuses way too much on Jake. (Oh, I'm sorry.
That's one of the pet peeves of the "Fatman.")
3. Seeing Alfred the butler talking to Albert Goldman.
2. The way any two-bit moron with a flashlight and a piece of cardboard
can summon him at night.
1. When people call him "The Batman." It's just "Batman," damn it!

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