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Q: In Court: A: At The Time You First Saw Dr.
Short Jokes
In the Courtroom
Q: In court:
A: At the time you first saw Dr. Smith, had you seen him prior to that time?
Q: At the time you first saw the victim, had you ever seen him prior to that time? A: I'm not sure.
When The Shoe's On The Other Foot by Art Buchwald It had to happen sooner or later.
Lawyer Dobbins was wheeled into the emergency room on a stretcher, rolling his head in agony....
It had to happen sooner or later. Lawyer Dobbins was wheeled into the emergency room on a stretcher, rolling his head in agony.
Doctor Green came over to see him. "Dobbins," he said, "What an honor....
Most language is spoken language, and most words, once they are uttered, vanish forever into the air.
But such is not the case with language spoken during courtroom trials, for there exists an army of courtroom reporters whose job it is to take down and preserve every statement made during the proceedings....
Setting: A courtroom. Defense attorney questioning a robbery victim.
Defense Attorney: Mr. Smith, you were held up at gunpoint on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Main Street on August 7th, is that correct?...