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Q: What's The Difference Between 2 Jehova's Witnesses And A Lada?
Short Jokes
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Q: What's the difference between 2 Jehova's witnesses and a Lada?
A: You can shut the door on 2 Jehova's witnesses.
Q: What is the difference between a LADA and a golf-ball?
A: You can drive a golf_Ball 360 yards......
What is the difference between LADA and AIDS? You can still palm AIDS off to someone else.
A man dies and goes to Heaven. The angel Gabriel meets him at the Pearly Gates and takes him on a guided tour.
The man sees various groups of people all standing around and talking to each other....
Q: What's the difference between LIGHT and HARD? A: You can sleep with a *light* on.
MICHAEL KENNEDY What's the difference between John Denver and Michael Kennedy?
John Denver made it alive out of Aspen. Has Elton John re-written any of his songs for Michael Kennedy?...
OK; here's the Sorority Girl joke list. 1. Q: What do you say to a sorority girl that won't give in?
A: "Have another beer." 2. Q: Why does a sorority girl wear underwear?...
Q: What is the difference between a paycheck and a penis?
A: You can always find a girl who'll blow your paycheck for you....
Q: What is the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb?
A: You can unscrew a light bulb....