Man On Package Tour In USA, One Day Of The Tour Is A Bus Ride Down To Mexico.

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Man on package tour in USA, one day of the tour is a bus ride
down to Mexico. Whoopee he thinks, wild times, smokes, freaky
Imagine his surprise when the bus drops him in a sleepy pueblo
population: three people, one tumbleweed. The bus roars off and
he hears the driver shout back something about returning in
three hours.
That's cool, he can amuse himself for three hours. He heads for
the bar and tries to talk to the patron, who turns out to be the
most boring person in the world. Five minutes later, it feels
like three hours and he makes his excuse and leaves, only
slightly puzzled that in three hours he only managed one drink.
He decides to check the time and casts around for someone to
ask. He sees a sleepy hombre sitting against the wall under a
"Quel estas l'hora?", he asks in his best Spanglais.
"You what, man?", replies the hombre, who turns out to be an
erstwhile extra from a 1970's Eastwood movie who missed the bus
"The time. What is it?"
The other reaches out to a mule which is standing beside him
(this is a real mule, not a movie mule, you understand). He
lifts its scrotum thoughtfully and then lets it drop. "About
two thirty" he announces.
"Astonishing", avers our hero. "How did you manage that?"
Once again the other reaches out and lifts the donkey's scrotum.
"You see that clock tower over there?"
"So can I now."
