10. My Years With The White Sox 9. Pizza To Go - From Alpha Centauri 8.

HomeShort JokesJokes from Emails

10. My Years with the White Sox
9. Pizza to Go - from Alpha Centauri
8. Leif Erikson: Lousy in the Sack
7. I Go Completely Nuts and Start Writing Books
6. I was the 1,378,000th Burger Sold at McDonald's
5. Flying Saucers: More Dependable than Eastern
4. The Voices in My Head Argue Over Their Share of the Book Royalties
3. Is that a Crystal in Your Pocket or Are You Just Glad to See Me?
2. Didn't I Already Write This Chapter?
1. _I'm_ Crazy? You Spent $21.95 on This Book!

Top Ten Christmas Movies in Times Square
