Did you hear about the study the U.S. government did to discover why the
a man's penis has a head on it? It took them five years and five million
dollars to discover that it's there for a woman's satisfaction. After hear-
ing these results, the Canadian government did a study which took one year
and cost one million dollars. They discovered that the head of the penis is
there for the man's pleasure. After hearing this, the Polish government
spent twenty minutes and $1.49 to discover that men have a head on their
penii to keep their hands from sliding off.
W H Y C O P S H A T E Y O U <<<<&l <
-if you have to ask get out of the way-
Have you ever been stopped by a traffic cop and, while he was
writing a ticket or giving you a warning, you got the feeling that
he would just love to yank you out of the car, right through the
window, and smash your face into the front fender?...