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Q: Why Were There Only 5000 Mexicans At The Battle Of The Alamo? A: They Only Had Four Cars.
Short Jokes
Miscellaneous Jokes
Q: Why were there only 5000 Mexicans at the battle of the Alamo?
A: They only had four cars.
Q: Why were there only 5000 Mexicans at the Alamo? A
Thats all that they could fit in the back of the pick-up truck....
Q: How come the Mexican Army only used 600 Mexicans at the Alamo? A: Because they only had 2 cars.
Why did Santa Ana only have 2,000 Mexicans at the Alamo?
They only had two station wagons.... They had a pickup truck, but it wouldn't start.............
Why did the Mexicans fight so hard to take the Alamo?
So they could have four clean walls to write on....
Q: Why does a chicken coop have only two doors? A: If it had four, it would be a sedan.
Editors Note: Here it is folks, the oneliner file.
Over the past year, I have received several short submissions that were mildly funny, but not quite good enough or topical enough to merit their own posting....
Why did the Police take the 911 emergency number off the back of their cars?
The Mexicans kept stealing them thinking they were Porsche'...
Remember: Don't send to me and rec.humor at the same time.
Try to wait. From werner Wed Jul 13 14:06:34 1988 Flag...
Q: Why are people so fragile? A: They were made with only one screw.