A Guy Goes To A Doctor And Says 'i Think I Got Aids' Doc Says Tests'll Take A Few Days Come Back Next Week.

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A guy goes to a doctor and says 'i think i got aids' doc says tests'll take a
few days come back next week...guy comes back and the doc says 'sorry, you
got aids' guy says 'oh god, i don't wanna die! is there any thing i can do?
doc says ' okay, go to Mexico...find the tallest mountain and climb it...on
that mountain, find the most stagnant pool of water you can and drink three
cups...then go down the mountain and find a small city and eat three of the
greasiest enchiladas you can find...drink three Mexican beers and get a hotel
room and wait for results...guy says 'this will cure me!?!???' doc says 'no,
but you'll find out what your asshole was made for'
