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You Will Pay For Eating That Apple", God Said Adamantly!
Short Jokes
Miscellaneous Jokes
"You will pay for eating that apple", God said adamantly!
In God we trust you pay in gold.
Question For God A man walked to the top of a hill to talk to God.
The man asked, "God, what's a million years to you?...
Q: What's worse than finding a worm in the apple you're eating? A: Finding half a worm.
A Frenchman, an Englishman, a Texan, and a Mexican are flying in a plane.
The pilot explains to her passengers that the plane is too heavy and in order to avoid an ugly crash, some weight needs to be removed from the plane....
It seems that in this small mid-western town a minister was given gifts by his congregation.
An eldery woman comes up to him and presents him with several home-baked pies....
And then God said, No, a BUD light!
There's an apple on a lawn and a worm sitting right beside it.
The worm is rather interested in the apple is about to start eating....
In A New York Minute Saint Peter was minding the Pearly Gates when forty people from New York City showed up.
Never having seen anyone from the Big Apple at heaven's door, Saint Peter said he would have to check with The Boss....
understanding God A man trying to understand the nature of God and asked him
God, how long is a million years to you?" God answered...